Banquet Records - Eden Street Pale - ParkBrew & Kitchen

By Frankie Kearns - 8 Feb

Banquet Records – Eden Street Pale

Every so often something excellent happens and makes all the hard work worthwhile.  This week we’re very happy to have launched a new beer with our friends at Banquet Records

They turn 18 today!  What better way to celebrate than to launch their own beer – it’s legal now after all.  Behind the scenes, we’ve been working on recipes and figuring out the best beer style for them and, of course, their/our customers.

Eden Street Pale  named after Banquet’s location, on Eden Street (KT1) is available to buy on our web-shop and at some of their forthcoming gigs. To view their full events schedule, click here

We hope you love it as much as we all do 🙂

Here we are on canning day

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