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We are sorry to announce that our amazing, gold award winning, Lemon Sour IPA cans have been recalled. More importantly if you have one in your possession, please be sure to dispose of it carefully (details below).
Due to an unexpected secondary fermentation in the can, accelerated by the recent heat wave, some of the cans we have in storage have been exploding. It is most likely due to the lemons, used in the conditioning process, prior to packaging. We will be looking into this in more detail to avoid it happening again.
We are removing them from all shops and outlets and have disposed of all the remaining cans at the brewery.
If you still have a can, please make sure you handle with care. If it is stored in a fridge there is a good chance it will be ok and still drinkable cold. If it is not, then be careful, as the pressure has built up inside the can and it is very likely that the top will explode. We are using rubber gloves and goggles to dispose of the cans, placing them in a bucket of cold water and then opening them under water and disposing of the contents. In some cases, just moving the cans is enough to make them blow, so please keep at arm’s length and be extremely cautious.
We are absolutely gutted about this and sorry to anyone who has been affected. It is a real shame that such a great beer (probably one of our best) has come to such an abrupt end, however, the safety of our customers comes first.
Please handle with care and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us theparkbrewery@gmail.com